3rd Stone Xperience Image Standards and Guidelines
Effective immediately, as well as being retroactively applied, the following are the new 3rd Stone Xperience Image/Video Standard Guidelines:
Main Profile Pictures.
Only pictures of actual (adults 18+)people and activities Only, no nudity must show face, no QC Codes or URL's in Main Profile picture. Company Logos are allowed(they must comply the same as photos). Talent cannot post avatars or company logos, if you are Talent and can't post your picture do no upload anything, a generic picture will be supplied. You cannot post pictures of females if you are male or male if you are female, transgender can post to what gender they identify as.
We will no longer allowed filtered images that cover the face, (Instagram type filters) if you have one please change it or it will be deleted.
Photo Albums
Members may create photo albums and post photos in their Image Gallery. All images posted in photo albums must comply with the following guidelines:
Men can not post pictures of women and women cannot post pictures of men, unless it's in a group public gathering ( work place, travel. ETC.) no individual pictures of the opposite gender allowed in photo albums.
Only pictures of actual (adults 18+)people and activities. any pictures showing children in any form will get you banned from this site.
Pictures showing nudity are only allowed in your photo albums and must show your face in picture and only in Adult only section and must be marked as containing adult content.
Any pictures showing genitals must show your full face in picture, uncovered. and can only be in your photo album, and must be marked as containing adult content.
No images of sexual acts whatsoever. Also, please avoid even the implication of sex acts (e.g., two people kissing, Suckling, a person taking off another person’s shirt, pictures of Cum, etc.). No photos with multiple people or photos of two partially clad people. If you are not sure, then simply make it easy and avoid photos with more than one person. full nudity is also not allowed.
Video Albums
Members may create an Video albums and post videos or link videos in their video albums. All Videos posted/linked in video albums must comply with the following guidelines:
Only Videos of actual (adults 18+)people and activities. any videos showing children in any form will get you banned from this site.
Men can not post videos of women and women cannot post videos of men, unless it's in a group public gathering ( work place, travel. ETC.) no individual videos allowed of the opposite gender in photo albums.
Videos showing nudity are only allowed in your Videos albums and must show your face in picture and only in Adult only section and must be marked as containing adult content.
No videos of sexual acts whatsoever. Also, please avoid even the implication of sex acts (e.g., two people kissing, a person taking off another person’s shirt, etc.). No videos with multiple people or videos of two partially clad people. If you are not sure, then simply make it easy and avoid videos with more than one person.
These revised 3rd Stone Xperience Image Standards are effective immediately. Non-compliant images will be immediately removed. Consequences for non-compliance includes loss of posting privileges or membership removal for repeated failure to comply.
It is the discretion of 3rd Stone Xperience to remove any image or video for any reason with no notice.
Company Logo is only image allowed in classifieds, can not be a advertisement or have contact information in the logo (phone numbers. URL's, ETC)
No images of sexual acts whatsoever. Also, please avoid even the implication of sex acts (e.g., two people kissing, Suckling, a person taking off another person’s shirt, pictures of Cum, etc.). No photos with multiple people or photos of two partially clad people. If you are not sure, then simply make it easy and avoid photos with more than one person. full nudity is also not allowed.
- Apr 17, 2018